SRSTIのジュエリー はインド・ジャイプールの職人さんと日本のジュエリーデザイナーが一緒に協力して、ジャイプールと日本の両方の工房で作られています。天然石の良さとインドの自然や独特なデザインからインスピレーションを得て、その魅力を生かしたハンドメイドのジュエリーです。
SRSTI's jewelery was jointly launched by an Indian Jaipur craftsman and a Japanese jeweler,
and is mainly made in a Jaipur workshop.
ハワイアン彫り( Hawaiian engraving)は、ハワイの伝統的な装飾技法であり、美しく繊細なデザインが特徴です。職人が一つ一つ手で彫るため、非常に繊細で独自のデザインが可能です。当ショップの商品は、エングレービングマシンという機械を使って彫っていますが、手彫りの風合いを再現することを重要にしています。細かいディテールが特徴で、光が当たるとキラキラと美しく輝きます。
Introducing rings with hand-carved arms featuring cabochons of rutile quartz, milky aqua, and opal cat's eye. These carvings highlight Hawaiian engraving.
Hawaiian engraving is a traditional decorative technique of Hawaii, characterized by its beautiful and delicate designs. Since each piece is hand-carved by craftsmen, it allows for very intricate and unique designs. Although our shop uses an engraving machine for carving, we prioritize recreating the hand-carved texture. The intricate details are a hallmark of our pieces, which sparkle beautifully when exposed to light.
ハワイアン彫り( Hawaiian engraving)は、ハワイの伝統的な装飾技法であり、美しく繊細なデザインが特徴です。職人が一つ一つ手で彫るため、非常に繊細で独自のデザインが可能です。当ショップの商品は、エングレービングマシンという機械を使って彫っていますが、手彫りの風合いを再現することを重要にしています。細かいディテールが特徴で、光が当たるとキラキラと美しく輝きます。
Introducing rings with hand-carved arms featuring cabochons of rutile quartz, milky aqua, and opal cat's eye. These carvings highlight Hawaiian engraving.
Hawaiian engraving is a traditional decorative technique of Hawaii, characterized by its beautiful and delicate designs. Since each piece is hand-carved by craftsmen, it allows for very intricate and unique designs. Although our shop uses an engraving machine for carving, we prioritize recreating the hand-carved texture. The intricate details are a hallmark of our pieces, which sparkle beautifully when exposed to light.

手彫りのアラベスク模様をあしらったSV950のイヤーカフ。手彫りはエングレービングマシンを使って一つ一つ丁寧に作られています。 細かいディテールが特徴で、光が当たるとキラキラと美しく輝きます。
An SV950 ear cuff adorned with hand-carved arabesque patterns. The carvings are meticulously crafted using an engraving machine. Known for its intricate details, it sparkles beautifully when exposed to light.

Tourmaline with various color variations. It is a ring that makes the best use of tourmaline such as mint green, pink, bicolor, multicolor, cat's eye, amethyst, citrine, bicolor sapphire and opal.
Tourmaline with various color variations. It is a ring that makes the best use of tourmaline such as mint green, pink, bicolor, multicolor, cat's eye, amethyst, citrine, bicolor sapphire and opal.

An eternity ring with a jewel wrapped around it, also known as a Bollywood ring or a Maharajah ring in Japan. A simple and gorgeous ring made of K18 gold, we added a colorful sparkling fancy color sapphire to the traditional emerald, ruby, tanzanite, and opal ring.
You can order from sizes 9 to 17.